The exhibition was divided into two parts due to the scope of the author’s body of work and the sensitivity of the material (mostly works on paper). Part One of the exhibition covered the period between 1902 and 1917, showcasing over 160 works of art – illustrated postal cards, illustrations for the books by Ivan Cankar, self-caricatures and caricatures of his contemporaries (he made over 50 of them throughout the years), Slavic Playing Cards and Slavic Tarock, drawings with ethnographic motifs inspired by Slovenian folk songs, socio-political satire and caricature, a cycle of postcards Army in Pictures, large-scale drawings and prints of fairy-tale motifs and scenes from folk superstition and national myths, drawings for the doctor dr. Franc Derganc, drawings made during his imprisonment in Scheifling and illustrations for the story Martin Krpan by Fran Levstik.
